Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to Stay Healthy on a Budget: 31 Money-saving Tips From Natural Solutions Magazine

BOULDER, Colo., Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Money is tight these days, so people are paying close attention to how they spend their precious dollars. This can include eating at home more and canceling pricey gym memberships. In this new economic era, unrestrained spending is out. But don't allow tight times to compromise the health of you or your family. To help health seekers navigate the new terrain, the editors at Natural Solutions: Vibrant Health, Balanced Living magazine have published "31 Ways to Stay Healthy and Save Money" in their March issue -- on newsstands now.

"The things that keep us healthy are often the first to go when we clamp down on our spending," said Linda Sparrowe, Natural Solutions' editor-in-chief. "We can't stop paying the mortgage or the utilities, so we downgrade our healthy lifestyle expenditures to 'dispensable.'" Turns out that's not such a healthy idea. Uncertain times like these, Sparrowe says, create an inordinate amount of stress, which is reason alone to find a way to keep what keeps you sane. How can you do that without breaking the bank?

  • Barter. Many service providers are willing to strike a trade. To keep a healthful practice, such as yoga classes or regular massages, offer valuable skills in trade.
  • Strike a deal. Let a massage student practice on you for free. Offer to pay for a yearlong gym membership for a discount over the month-to-month price, or join budgets with a friend to hire a personal trainer who will let each person pay half the fee.
  • Plan ahead when you shop. In addition to sale items, zero in on the store's private-label brand (for food and supplements), the bulk-foods section, and value packs of meat, poultry, and fish. Buy seasonal produce with a friend and take weekly turns chopping it to avoid expensive pre-cut produce.

Want more tips? Log on to www.naturalsolutionsmag.com.

About Natural Solutions

Natural Solutions: Vibrant Health, Balanced Living, formerly Alternative Medicine magazine, has been the trusted voice in the natural health arena for 15 years. Natural Solutions guides and inspires its readers to make informed decisions about their health and well-being in all aspects of their lives. Visit naturalsolutionsmag.com to view a free digital edition of the magazine.

[Via http://www.prnewswire.com]